Meet Our Team
frank he,, qme, daomFounderNeuro-musculo-skeletal injuries caused by auto, work or sports-related
Frank He, LAc, founder of HeCares Integrative Medicine Center, trained in China at Liaoning University of TCM, and later practiced at its affiliated hospital as well as Shenyang Neurology Hospital. Prior to his eight years of formal medical school study, he was taught by his grandfather, an experienced practitioner of TCM. As the Sports Injury Specialist as well as the treating acupuncturist, Dr. He founded the Five Branches Sports Injury Clinic and the affiliated Integrative Sports Medicine Certificate program for Masters students and DAOM fellows. As a Professor, he served as Chair of the Acupuncture Department of Five Branches University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Santa Cruz and San Jose. Dr. He has taught his founding sports medicine approach, Muscle Channel Technique (MCT) and Subcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (SENS), to orthopedic surgeons throughout Europe. He is currently a Fellow of American Association of Integrative Medicine and a Diplomat of the College of Acupuncture and Neuromuscular Therapy. Since his move to the U.S., Frank has been lecturing in states to licensed acupuncturists and other health care professionals. He was the keynote speaker for the 21st Symposium of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncturists in 2009. Besides his dedication to Integrative Medicine, Dr. He is also a sports enthusiast. He was state champion decathlete for eight years while studying in medical school. He loves sports, knows sports and treats sports injuries. His patients range from weekend warriors to Olympic Gold medalists. |
eva Cong,, mtcm, daom fellowMedical DirectorSports Medicine, Pain Management, Primary Care, Women's Health
Dr. Cong is the first one in her family who went to college and the second medical doctor in the village of northern China where Dr. Frank He came from. After serving a few years as a barefoot doctor in the village, Dr. Cong came to America to further her study at Five Branches University as a doctoral fellow. Dr. Eva Cong specializes in Sports Medicine, Pain Management, Women’s Health, and Preventative Care. When she is not a doctor, Dr. Cong enjoys cooking different gourmet food and hiking in the nature with her friends. |