Electro-Acupuncture entails the application of pulsating electrical current to acupuncture needles as means to stimulate the points. This is done through the use of small clips that are attached to one or more of the needles used in your regular treatment, with current retained on average of 15-30 minutes. The strength of the stimuli can be fixed from sub sensation to strong sensation. The electrical stimulation works in removing blockages that impede correct flow or by stimulating inadequate "deficient" flow through the body resulting in bringing the body back to normalcy and optimal healing.
Benefits and Treatment
- Works in enhancing treatment
- Reduces treatment time
- Stimulation is adjusted to patients comfortability
- Excels at treating neuropathy, radiculopathy, and paralysis
- Stimulates body's endorphins, working effectively as anesthesia to reduce pain
- Works in treatment of many systems including, yet not limited to, skin conditions, renal and biliary colic, acute nausea from cancer treatment, helps in lowering blood pressure and reducing heart disease
How is Electrical Acupuncture different than a Tens Unit
A Tens Unit uses pads than transmit electrical stimulation. The effect can only reach the superficial structures of skin and superficially lying structures. Although the effects are very similar, Electrical Acupuncture works with pin point accuracy through attachment of carefully placed needles and reaches structures deeper in the body. It is capable of stimulating specific injury sites of tendon, muscle, nerve and bone and extending the stimulation through a broader area, as well as influencing internal organs and systems.