HeCares Integrative Medicine Center offers many tools. Our main services include: Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Cupping, Moxibustion, Tuina, MCT, Herbs and more.
Chinese Medicine has been around for thousand of years and Acupuncture is one of it's strongest tools. The benefits of Acupuncture are becoming more common knowledge and more and more people are seeking treatments. The theory behind Chinese medicine is that our body's energy flows in channels called meridians. There are 12 main meridians each one is linked to an internal organ. Most of the Acupuncture points are found along these meridians. Choosing the point or combination of points is important for the success of the treatments and that is why your Acupuncturist performs a diagnosis in the beginning of each session. The The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized acupuncture treatments to be effective for labor induction, sciatica, depression, nausea and vomiting, renal colic, tennis elbow, neck pain, sprain, stroke, knee pain, lower back pain, morning sickness, biliary colic, headache and allergic rhinitis. WHO has also recognized that it has been shown that acupuncture has a therapeutic effect in cases such as fertility, herpes zoster, asthma, insomnia, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, premenstrual syndrome and obesity.
Shiatsu is a form of therapeutic bodywork from Japan, based on Chinese Medicine. The Practitioner uses different techniques such as kneading, pressing, tapping, and stretching.
It is a relaxing form of massage, so it can help reduce daily stress and contribute to overall well being. It can also address specific orthopedic problems such as frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, knee pain, strained muscles, etc. Shiatsu can also help in several emotional situations, insomnia, digestive disorders, PMS, etc. What happens in a Shiatsu session? At the beginning of the session, the therapist performs a short diagnosis to determine the patterns of imbalance that may be present. It is important to assess the "state of the Qi" in order for the therapist to give the most effective therapeutic session. Even if the Shiatsu is just for relaxation and fun, the therapist can still address any imbalance they encounter. How Often Should I Get Shiatsu? A regular maintenance program of Shiatsu is an excellent way to overcome conditions such as insomnia, immunity, PMS, Lumbego (Lower Back Pain), shoulder pain, digestive issues, etc. Shiatsu is also a great way to maintain wellness and improve vitality!
Cupping is a therapy that is very effective in treating problems concerning local Qi or blood stagnation in the channels. It could be preformed as complementary to Acupuncture or Shiatsu, or as a stand-alone treatment. Cupping is usually performed with round glass cups, but can also be done with plastic or bamboo cups. The practitioner removes the oxygen from these cups to create a vacuum before placing them on the patient. Once the cups are placed, they create a suction which in turn encourages the flow of qi and blood so that local stagnation could be cleared. Cupping is helpful in the treatment of pain, stress management, common cold or asthma, gastrointestinal disorders, and more.
Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy that is meant to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi. In this form of treatment dried plant materials that are referred to as "moxa" are burned very close to the surface of the skin, producing a nice warm sensation. The practitioner can hold a moxa stick over an acupuncture point, run it over a meridian, or place it in a special container that produces heat over a larger area. What is it good for?Moxibustion is used for many times for pain that is of a "cold" pattern where heat helps relieve pain. Arthritis is a good example of such pain, muscle stiffness is another example. Some Gynecological issues are also better resolved when moxa is combined into the treatment. Sometimes a moxa cigar is used when there is a breech presentation in late term pregnancy. Moxibustion can also be useful in some Digestive issues. The use of moxa can be used in the same treatment with Acupuncture and Shiatsu as the therapies can increase each other's effectiveness.
Tuina is a form of Oriental bodywork that has been used in China for centuries. It is a combination of massage, acupressure that works by applying pressure to acupoints, meridians and groups of muscles or nerves to remove blockages that prevent the natural flow of qi. The Tuina helps eliminate these blockages to restore the balance of qi in the body, leading to improved health and vitality.
Muscle Channel Technique (MCT), a proprietary acupuncture technique, is a useful tool for pain management and injury healing. MCT is effective, easily accessible to both the patient and clinician, and safe. In its application, needles are inserted subcutaneously toward the pain or injury along the affected muscle channels at classically defined access points around the ankles or wrists. MCT’s therapeutic effect can be enhanced by longer needle retention at the access points or the use of electrical stimulation between access and anchor points, which include He-Sea or Yuan-Source points.
Chinese Herbal Medicine has been around longer even before acupuncture and a long time before pharmaceuticals have been in use.
Herbs are used to heal and balance the human body. Empirical studies and clinical trials have shown the effectiveness of Chinese herbs.
Herbs can be prescribed in their raw condition which means the patient needs to cook them before consuming the broth, or in the form of pills. As most patients need as fast and easy solution that will ensure they will take their "medication" on a daily basis as prescribed, we provide encapsulated formulas to our patients.
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Chinese Medicine has been around for thousand of years and Acupuncture is one of it's strongest tools. The benefits of Acupuncture are becoming more common knowledge and more and more people are seeking treatments. The theory behind Chinese medicine is that our body's energy flows in channels called meridians. There are 12 main meridians each one is linked to an internal organ. Most of the Acupuncture points are found along these meridians. Choosing the point or combination of points is important for the success of the treatments and that is why your Acupuncturist performs a diagnosis in the beginning of each session. The The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized acupuncture treatments to be effective for labor induction, sciatica, depression, nausea and vomiting, renal colic, tennis elbow, neck pain, sprain, stroke, knee pain, lower back pain, morning sickness, biliary colic, headache and allergic rhinitis. WHO has also recognized that it has been shown that acupuncture has a therapeutic effect in cases such as fertility, herpes zoster, asthma, insomnia, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, premenstrual syndrome and obesity.
Shiatsu is a form of therapeutic bodywork from Japan, based on Chinese Medicine. The Practitioner uses different techniques such as kneading, pressing, tapping, and stretching.
It is a relaxing form of massage, so it can help reduce daily stress and contribute to overall well being. It can also address specific orthopedic problems such as frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, knee pain, strained muscles, etc. Shiatsu can also help in several emotional situations, insomnia, digestive disorders, PMS, etc. What happens in a Shiatsu session? At the beginning of the session, the therapist performs a short diagnosis to determine the patterns of imbalance that may be present. It is important to assess the "state of the Qi" in order for the therapist to give the most effective therapeutic session. Even if the Shiatsu is just for relaxation and fun, the therapist can still address any imbalance they encounter. How Often Should I Get Shiatsu? A regular maintenance program of Shiatsu is an excellent way to overcome conditions such as insomnia, immunity, PMS, Lumbego (Lower Back Pain), shoulder pain, digestive issues, etc. Shiatsu is also a great way to maintain wellness and improve vitality!
Cupping is a therapy that is very effective in treating problems concerning local Qi or blood stagnation in the channels. It could be preformed as complementary to Acupuncture or Shiatsu, or as a stand-alone treatment. Cupping is usually performed with round glass cups, but can also be done with plastic or bamboo cups. The practitioner removes the oxygen from these cups to create a vacuum before placing them on the patient. Once the cups are placed, they create a suction which in turn encourages the flow of qi and blood so that local stagnation could be cleared. Cupping is helpful in the treatment of pain, stress management, common cold or asthma, gastrointestinal disorders, and more.
Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy that is meant to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi. In this form of treatment dried plant materials that are referred to as "moxa" are burned very close to the surface of the skin, producing a nice warm sensation. The practitioner can hold a moxa stick over an acupuncture point, run it over a meridian, or place it in a special container that produces heat over a larger area. What is it good for?Moxibustion is used for many times for pain that is of a "cold" pattern where heat helps relieve pain. Arthritis is a good example of such pain, muscle stiffness is another example. Some Gynecological issues are also better resolved when moxa is combined into the treatment. Sometimes a moxa cigar is used when there is a breech presentation in late term pregnancy. Moxibustion can also be useful in some Digestive issues. The use of moxa can be used in the same treatment with Acupuncture and Shiatsu as the therapies can increase each other's effectiveness.
Tuina is a form of Oriental bodywork that has been used in China for centuries. It is a combination of massage, acupressure that works by applying pressure to acupoints, meridians and groups of muscles or nerves to remove blockages that prevent the natural flow of qi. The Tuina helps eliminate these blockages to restore the balance of qi in the body, leading to improved health and vitality.
Muscle Channel Technique (MCT), a proprietary acupuncture technique, is a useful tool for pain management and injury healing. MCT is effective, easily accessible to both the patient and clinician, and safe. In its application, needles are inserted subcutaneously toward the pain or injury along the affected muscle channels at classically defined access points around the ankles or wrists. MCT’s therapeutic effect can be enhanced by longer needle retention at the access points or the use of electrical stimulation between access and anchor points, which include He-Sea or Yuan-Source points.
Chinese Herbal Medicine has been around longer even before acupuncture and a long time before pharmaceuticals have been in use.
Herbs are used to heal and balance the human body. Empirical studies and clinical trials have shown the effectiveness of Chinese herbs.
Herbs can be prescribed in their raw condition which means the patient needs to cook them before consuming the broth, or in the form of pills. As most patients need as fast and easy solution that will ensure they will take their "medication" on a daily basis as prescribed, we provide encapsulated formulas to our patients.
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