Pain Management
HeCares is well known for successfully treating many pain patients over the years. The use of acupuncture is increasing in the day-to-day management of pain. Patients seek Acupuncture for Pain Management not only in Acupuncture clinics but also in some hospitals that offer integrative medicine as a more holistic approach towards pain management.
Common Pain Conditions treated in our clinic-
Acute Pain - Muscle/Tendon/Ligament Sprains, Dislocations, Migraine headaches, Gout
Chronic Pain - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, RSD/CRPS, Tennis Elbow, Degenerative Disc disease, Sciatica, Osteoarthritis - degenerative joint Disease, Migraine headaches, Gout
Dr. Frank He has developed two patented services for rapid pain relief and injury healing:
Common Pain Conditions treated in our clinic-
Acute Pain - Muscle/Tendon/Ligament Sprains, Dislocations, Migraine headaches, Gout
Chronic Pain - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, RSD/CRPS, Tennis Elbow, Degenerative Disc disease, Sciatica, Osteoarthritis - degenerative joint Disease, Migraine headaches, Gout
Dr. Frank He has developed two patented services for rapid pain relief and injury healing:
- Muscle Channel Technique
- Subcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation