Chinese medicine has been successfully treating children for thousands of years. As children react to the Acupuncture/Tui Na/Herbs much faster than adults, and since their uniquely responsive body systems (digestion, immune, respiratory...) are still developing, their treatment is different from that of an adult.
Kids-Friendly Acupuncture
When performing Acupuncture with children, each kid is examined individually to assess whether the child is accepting it, as there are alternatives if a child or the parent wishes to use a different method or to combine more than one tool of treatment. Pediatric Acupucnture is done in a quick motion where then needle is inserted and immediately removed, most kids don't even notice they had a needle in them.
Pediatric Tui Na
Pediatric Tuina is a gentle Chinese massage developed especially for treating kids. It is a very effective way of stimulating meridians and acupuncture points which does not require the use of any tools. If parents wish to enhance the effect of the treatment the practitioner will teach them some techniques and that would not only help speed up the recovery but also provide some great quality parent-child time.
A noninvasive Japanese version of acupressure for Pediatrics. This method uses metal tools to gently tap, rub, and scrape the body in order to stimulate meridians and acupuncture points without penetrating the skin.
Common Problems that Chinese Medicine can help with
Kids-Friendly Acupuncture
When performing Acupuncture with children, each kid is examined individually to assess whether the child is accepting it, as there are alternatives if a child or the parent wishes to use a different method or to combine more than one tool of treatment. Pediatric Acupucnture is done in a quick motion where then needle is inserted and immediately removed, most kids don't even notice they had a needle in them.
Pediatric Tui Na
Pediatric Tuina is a gentle Chinese massage developed especially for treating kids. It is a very effective way of stimulating meridians and acupuncture points which does not require the use of any tools. If parents wish to enhance the effect of the treatment the practitioner will teach them some techniques and that would not only help speed up the recovery but also provide some great quality parent-child time.
A noninvasive Japanese version of acupressure for Pediatrics. This method uses metal tools to gently tap, rub, and scrape the body in order to stimulate meridians and acupuncture points without penetrating the skin.
Common Problems that Chinese Medicine can help with
- Cough
- Ear infections
- Sleep Disorders
- Allergies
- Eczema
- Fever
- Asthma
- ADD and ADHD
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Bed Wetting
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Malnutrition