Is your condition related to food and environmental sensitivities? Come in for a comprehensive diagnosis and find out. “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple” -- Dr. Seuss My name is Neta Shani and I’m a pediatric acupuncturist at HeCares Integrative Medicine Center specializing in pediatrics prenatal and postnatal care. I’ve been practicing for over 10 years and throughout my career I’ve sought various continued education trainings to hone my tools as a clinician. My latest tool, the Namburdripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET),came after a long search for treatment for my own children, my four year old twins. In my experience the NAET Allergy Elimination technique has proved to be very effective in helping many kids in their journey to better health. You can read about my personal story below. What is NAET? Namburdripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) is a no drug, non-invasive natural solution to alleviate allergies and sensitivities. It can address sensitivities to basic foods, vitamins and minerals, as well as different chemical, environmental allergens and more. NAET uses elements of acupuncture, chiropractic, nutrition, and kinesiology to treat the patient so their body will recognize allergens as non-threatening, giving the body the ability to process them in a healthy way. If a person is tested positive to 5 different allergens, assuming it takes one treatment per allergen, there would only be a need for 5 sessions. If a person is found sensitive to 15 allergens, it should take at least 15 sessions. After each session, the practitioner tests to see whether the previous allergen treated has been cleared or whether there is need to repeat. What cases do we treat with NAET? NAET can successfully treat patients suffering from a wide range of allergen sensitivity symptoms including Eczema, Acid Reflux, IBS, leaky gut, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, sleep disorders, upper respiratory issues, and more. The NAET treatment is gentle requiring very few points, making treatment a welcome relief for pediatric patients and their parents. Commonly treated pediatric issues include:
Twin Success Cases
A Case of Chronic Congestion My first NAET patient was my four year old son. He had been suffering from chronic ear fluids that got him waking up tired, cranky and affected his behavior at school. Knowing that children who suffer from a chronic pathogen are more prone to ADHD, I treated him as I would any of my pediatric patients with acupuncture, herbs, massage. But to my surprise and frustration, his condition remained the same. His pediatrician recommended ear tubes, but I was determined to find out the cause before turning to an invasive treatment. I first suspected allergies, as he was congested almost all the time. Visits to an allergist concluded there was nothing wrong regardless of the obvious symptoms and suffering. As previous eliminations of certain suspect foods had positive effect, I started suspecting the presence of further food sensitivities. I had heard about NAET and sought out an acupuncturist specializing in this treatment.We had an in depth conversation about the foods I had already eliminated,and discussed my suspicions that something we love so much that appears at almost every meal and every snack may be causing my son’s symptoms - gluten. Indeed, gluten was found as the guilty culprit. In addition he was found to have sensitivities to some other basic nutrients such as calcium, yeast and grains. The treatments for these food sensitivities helped his immune system recognize these nutrients as friendly and healthy. And after just a few weeks of treatment his ear fluids were completely gone! He wakes up in a great mood and has no signs of ADHD. A Case of Failure to Thrive His twin sister proved an even greater challenge: She was born prematurely due to Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) that had her at a mere 3.9 lbs at birth. While her brother was gaining weight at a pace that kept his doctors happy, she kept her own petite curve. Her eating habits were a challenge; she wouldn’t eat much and complained frequently of belly aches. She had so many bowel movements that it seemed like her body was expelling more than it was taking in. Though I was open to any test the doctors suggested, nothing was conclusive. We saw more specialists and went through more tests and much to our chagrin, we just became more exhausted and further away from a solution. As a mother and a clinician, I was so frustrated that my decade of experience with acupuncture and herbs was not helping. She was not the first case of FTT I saw, but she was definitely the only one that drove me to seek other tools. I decided to try NAET and to my delight, we finally discovered that she was sensitive to. Her stomach aches were very real, foods and basic nutrients such as eggs, vitamin C, yeast, animal fat, vegetable fat, dairy, glute. These were causing digestive upset to the point that very little nutrients were absorbing properly. It was then I decided to become a NAET acupuncturist, so at the very least I can fix my own kids and hopefully save many other parents the heartache we endured. -- Neta Shani, L.Ac
AuthorsAcupuncture Specialists at Integrative Medicine Center Archives
April 2023