Not cold or flu, we have seen more patients with gout recently. Some were diagnosed and some not. No matter it occurs in the big toes, ankles, knees, elbows or somewhere else, acupuncture has done some good-pain relief and swelling reduction. Some patients even swear the frequency of onsets of gout has decreased with acupuncture. Too often gout was misdiagnosed as a sprain of joints and patients were sent home with crutches, ice packs and OTC pain killers. However, there is more to delve into such as blood pressure, lipid levels, diet, etc. Symptoms of gout are similar to those in sports injuries thus misdiagnosed sometimes. At HeCares, we combine knowledge, experience, and biotechnology to achieve the best clinical outcome for patients with gout.
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AuthorsAcupuncture Specialists at Integrative Medicine Center Archives
April 2023