A patient of a chiropractor received a pneumothorax after a dry needling treatment in 2015. Chiropractors and physical therapists use acupuncture needles to perform a crude form of acupuncture called dry needling.
I don't care about who was doing the Dry Needling or acupuncture as long as one is trained and licensed to perform such art. Please don't take my post as a personal offense or disrespect to a profession of PT or DC. As an acupuncturist and teacher myself, all I care about is why this happened and how I could prevent this from happening in my own practice and my interns'. Pneumothorax happens to acupuncturists' practice as well and probably even more frequently. You can easily find the cases reported to acupuncture Board involving pneumothorax on its website. It's all about how much training, whether within scope of practice, how clinically competent the practitioner is... For more details on the news, please follow the link at the end of this pot. Thanks! Good luck needling! Frank He, L. AC, QME, DAOM, Professor of Acupuncture https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfmaude/detail.cfm?mdrfoi__id=5383935
1 Comment
5/4/2018 02:27:45 pm
A lot of people have been complaining their back pain because it's becoming more frequent. I too had experienced this that's why I was forced to consult my doctor for me to know what's happening within my system. At first, I was lost because there were several suggested test I have to undergone to, but I chose to too all these because I thought it's for my own benefit too. I've asked help to a chiropractor expert and he was the one who helped me!
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